Thursday 8 January 2015

SharePoint 2010: Site Web Analytics Reports Issue/Error


You are trying to access “Site Web Analytics Reports” on your site using the below URL


But everytime, you try to access the report, you are getting error message, which is mentioned below:

Unexpected failure.

 Troubleshooting Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

 Correlation ID: 1e9c-4f07-0eb920fa-9311-b353aa6eac13

 Date and Time: 08/15/2012 13:08:05 


I checked and found that we can access the report by directly accessing the URL mentioned below

When i browse the above url, i get below message:

This report displays all available metrics Web Analytics for the specified date range, and the tendency to change the date range above. This requires that the new SharePoint user experience is on. A site owner or administrator can enable the new experience from the Site Actions menu option or from the title, description and appearance of Site Settings.


This is the new feature made available in SharePoint 2010, hence the Visual upgrade of site is a must to work this. Which means the current look n feel of 2007 need to be upgrade to 2010. Once this is performed the site display will change many things and remove any kind of custom work on the site.