Thursday 18 August 2011

Creating Windows Gadgets Project in Visual Studio 2010

If you were trying to find how to create a windows gadgets project in visual studio you have come to the right place.

Well its much simpler than you thought.

1. Create a CAB Project. Select File -> New -> Project, and pick CAB Project in Other Project Types
    -> Setup and Deployment -> Visual Studio Installer
    Type the Project Name you want, in my scenario I have given MyNewCabProject and Press OK

2. Select the project name in the Solution Explorer and select the PostBuildEvent

3. Copy these lines into the Post-Build Even Command Line, replacing MyNewGadgetName with the name of your gadget.

set GadgetName="$(ProjectDir)$(Configuration)\MyNewGadgetName.gadget"
copy /y "$(BuiltOuputPath)" %GadgetName%

Now, when the project builds, it creates the .CAB file, copies it to a .gadget file and then runs the gadget to install it.

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